Sundays are my days off, no school classes, no dance class, no work, nothing. I go food shopping, restock my apartment and just take the day off. Today, I watched a recording of the "Royal Wedding", thought it was beauitful. Studied the dance lesson my teacher gave us and watch some good movies.

Sara Crew and I have been walking all over town together, since the weather is nice we really should get out more. Sara saw some birds eating some bread on the side of the street and started barking. She is very confusing, we past by cat after cat and she doesn't even make one sound but as soon as we find some birds she goes crazy. But we had fun anyway lol.
Hahahah, that Rite Aid, I went to the last time to buy some things that were 75% off? I went there today and looked to see if they had some more stuff that I wanted but it looks like I cleaned them out. They still have some nail polishes, some nail art, makeup and hair products but nothing that I really want. So I think I'm fully stocked and good to go all summer.
I'm so glad Apirl is gone and May is here!! I hate waking up, looking out my window at beautiful weather only to find that it's cold as heck! So hopefully May will bring sunny days so I can wear my cute clothes lol. My life slows down in the winter months but as soon as the warm months comes my life gets really busy. Which means less time to blog. Speaking of blogging I was thinking of revamping my blog but I love like this. Every time I see my blog it reminds me of Spring/Summer. I want it to seem "Simple, clean and relaxed". I was thinking on adding Auto-background-music but I really hate going on someones blog and the music starting sooooooooooo.......yeah not gonna do it here lol. And some of you may think "why does she have pictures of Asian girls in her blog? lesbo?". lol no, Simply I am Asian and I am a girl so I want to represent that in little blog :P
Til next time guys....

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