Welcome to my little place on the internet. A place where I write about anything that pops into my head. You may wonder why I picked the name SnowAsian for my blog and domain around the internet.
I was born on December 15 and according to my Dad it was snowing. That's the Snow in SnowAsian. And the of course I'm Asian, (I'm mixed but I definitely take after my Dad's looks, who is Asian). I've been using the name SnowAsian as my ballet persona whenever I'm on stage. My entries are random but here are some of the daily things I will talk about on my blog are....
Ballet. I love to dance and love to blog about it. |
Beauty. Making myself look pretty in the morning.
Style. I take time in the morning to give a damn about how I present myself to the world. |
Reading. I love to read. You can usually find me in a bookstore finding my next adventure. |
Personal Life. I don't pour my heart online but I do like to write about things in my life to get it off my chest. |
Having fun. Blogging about all the the things I've done or want to do. Traveling to hanging out with friends. |
Gaming & Entertainment. I live a stressful life sometimes and I love to game or just watch a movie. It takes me to another world for a few hours. Having fun and forgetting about the world. |