I always dreamed of becoming a ballet dancer. Ever since I was a child, I just knew it. It was my grandmother who introduce me to this beautiful art forum. But my mother wanted me to learn Piano and Singing, which I did but never cared for it. I just did it because I knew it would make her happy. She knew I wanted to dance and eventually gave in. She said "We (Mom & dad) will pay for your dance lessons but once we do, you are NOT allowed to give up". It was an easy promise to make because of my passion for Ballet.
Fast forward to now and I am a ballet dancer, living in a villa in San Diego, going to a nearby dance academy working & trying to make my way into one of two best dance schools; "Julliard" or "Royal Ballet School".
As much as I love to dance, it isn't my only pastime. I play the piano, guitar, belly dance, read books. My Dad has had a habit of smacking me in the back of the head with a rolled up newspaper whenever he felt I've been on the computer for to long. He encouraged me to read more, and now I have developed a weakness for fairy tales and period drama books. Can't stop me from reading!-
I also have a fun side to me as well, I play video games, watch cartoons, movies, and listen to music, swim, eating a lot, laser tag, write, shop, bicycling, ice skating, & rollerblading. I have made sure that the child in me will stay alive as long as I live, as I always say "you're never to old to build a Fort!".